The French-German Research
Institute of Saint-Louis is a bi-national institute established
by the French Republic and the Federal Republic of Germany on the
basis of a treaty signed in 1958.
The ISL was founded as a homogeneous bi-national research institute
with its own legal personality. It is placed under the authority
of a board of directors with three German members and three French
members assisted by a scientific Advisory Council for scientific
matter. The original mission of the ISL was: "Research, scientific
studies and basic predevelopment in the armament domain".
The classical working areas of ISL include: laser-matter interaction,
laser development, detonics, perforation, protection, ballistics,
the environment and protection of the soldier, acoustics, power
electronics, high power microwaves, aerodynamics and flight mechanics,
optronics, sensors.
In a network of partnerships with other European institutes, technical
and scientific services and industrial partners, the ISL offers
its scientific and technological competence to the Ministries of
Defence for the development of new technologies to assure the current
and future capabilities of the armed forces. Recently the ISL has
reinforced its activities on problems of civil security and counter-measures
against terrorism.